Monday, August 05, 2024

2024/114: Dead Egyptians — Del Blackwater

"The veil is so thin in Egypt."
"The veil? the veil between us and [the ghosts], you mean?"
This pleased him. "The same!" Then, noting the lack of introduction, he said, "Aleister Crowley -- a pleasure to make your acquaintance. [p. 31]

Albion Stanley is a young Englishman returning to Egypt in 1902, after many years' absence and a degree at Cambridge. Since childhood, when he encountered the spirit of legendary architect and physician Imhotep, he's been surrounded by ghosts and terrified of the dead. But anybody who's drunk of the Nile will return to Egypt: and Imhotep assured him, as a child, that he would be waiting.

Meanwhile Albion finds himself caught up in the occult experiments of Aleister Crowley, the wickedest man in the world: he and Crowley have history, but Albion is less enthusiastic about their liaison now that he's in Egypt, awaiting his reunion with Imhotep. He has so much that he wants to learn -- and he's suspicious of anything that Crowley wants to teach him. In Egypt, the dead are very much present, and Albion discovers that the ancient myths of Egypt have not faded away into dust. But he has to keep his occult explorations completely separate from his work as a translator for the Antiquities Service.

Dead Egyptians is a rambling novel, first in a projected series: the ambience of Cairo and the early twentieth century -- with the glitter of fashionable society and the taint of colonialism -- is beautifully evoked. Albion's interactions with Imhotep are intriguing, and he learns of past lives in which he was ... not an Englishman. And the author has used hieroglyphic symbols as dividers, to indicate various plot themes and nuances: I was doubtful at first, but this definitely added to the reading experience.

There are quite a few typos and homonyms in the second half of the novel (for example, 'horde after horde of 12th dynasty jewellery' or 'an uncommon site in the museum') but the wealth of historical detail kept my attention, even when Albion's adventures with the eponymous 'dead Egyptians' did not.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the advance review copy, in exchange for this full honest review. UK Publication Date is 24 AUG 2024.

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